Appointment Descriptions for Patients

WELL CARE EVALUATIONS, sometimes referred to as Physicals or Well Child appointments are prescheduled appointments for the purpose of assessing your child’s growth and development, providing anticipatory guidance, and administering recommended vaccinations. Dr. Gopinathan and the other providers at Kidzcare Pediatrics utilize American Academy of Pediatric (AAP) guidelines in measuring your child’s progress and to identify any areas of concern that may require further evaluation and monitoring. These appointments are done according to a schedule recommended by the AAP: 9 visits in the first 2 years of life and annually thereafter. A typical appointment would include a physical exam of your child, an assessment of your child’s physical and social development, a determination of age appropriate behavior, and, if indicated, administration of immunizations. Sleep and dietary habits will also be addressed. Concerns about chronic issues might be addressed during a well care appointment. However, an additional appointment is usually required to properly focus on evaluation and treatment of chronic conditions.
During a well care visit your physician may address concerns that you may bring or that he/she may discover which are outside the scope of a normal Well Child appointment (headaches, stomach aches, and/or acute issues such as ear aches, sore throats, etc.,). Alternatively, your physician may address a chronic condition that your child may have (ADHD, autism, constipation, etc.). In either case, there may be an additional charge to you in the form of a copay or a deductible depending on your insurance coverage since appropriate billing codes for these issues fall outside the scope of “well care” as defined by insurance companies. WELL CHILD appointments can be scheduled up to 6 months in advance.

CHRONIC FOLLOW UP appointments are to re-assess the management of chronic conditions such as asthma, autism, constipation, allergies, eczema, diabetes, cerebral palsy, or behavioral issues. Your child may also see pediatric specialists who are co-managing these problems. These visits enable our physicians to stay up to date with your child’s care and to better assist with complications that may arise. Your physician will determine how often these follow up appointments should occur.

MEDICATION CHECK appointments are for the purpose of evaluating how your child is tolerating prescribed medications for, the effects it is having on school performance and/or behavior issues. MED CHECK appointments may be scheduled up to 6 months in advance.
ADD/ADHD initial evaluation appointments are scheduled with Dr. Gopinathan. Periodic medication evaluation appointments will be required thereafter.

SICK VISIT appointments are for all other issues not listed above. These appointments are scheduled for acute illness or injury such as infection, injuries, sore throat, ear pain, and wheezing. We will try to accommodate all patients with acute ailments same day. SICK VISIT appointments can also be made for less urgent chronic issues like headaches, stomachaches, behavior issues, and other lingering aches and pains. We will try to accommodate appointments for these reasons at the earliest mutual time available.
BEHAVIORAL HEALTH appointments are available by referral only.
Resource Links for Patients
- American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
- AAP is an organization of 60,000 pediatricians committed to the attainment of optimal physical, mental, and social health and well-being for all infants, children, adolescents and young adults.
- Children’s Hospital at Erlanger
- McMinn County Health Department 393 County Road 554 Athens, TN 37303
- (423)745-7431
- Tennessee Department of Health
- Center for Disease Control
- CDC adolescent health
- Planned Parenthood
- I Wanna Know a site that tries to teach teens about sexually-transmitted diseases before they learn the hard way.
- Healthy Children
- Kids Health reviewed by doctor
- The Vaccine Page info for parents.
- Vaccine Safety addresses concerns of links between autism and vaccines
- The Allied Vaccine Group scientific evidence for vaccines
- Tennessee Breastfeeding Hotline staffed by licensed lactation consultants, 24/7, or
- La Leche League
- The Milk Rack a lactation consultant and mother blogs
call 855-423-6667
- First things First classes and events for parents